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First Look at Empire of Ghouls (Chrysathamere Trilogy, Book II)

Empire of Ghouls (the Chrysathamere Trilogy, Book II): Chapter One                 Annuweth lay on a bed in a Tyracian villa. The sheets smelled of dried sweat, of the coppery stench of his own blood. It was a smell that not even the garden breeze through the window could hide.                 Inside, his body raged, at … Continue reading First Look at Empire of Ghouls (Chrysathamere Trilogy, Book II)

Who Wants to Save the World?

So, I was playing this game, Horizon Zero Dawn. It was a really good game, with compelling character dynamics, a heart-wrenching loss, petty rivalries between bitter teens, and a sinister cult. And then…it turned into something else. Something we’ve all seen before: a story about evil robots trying to destroy the earth, and wouldn’t you … Continue reading Who Wants to Save the World?